Compassion Social Justice Withoutborderism Love Liberty Harmony Humbleness


In 2015, we came to the conclusion that there was the need to start some projects aiming at common good, which today are called the "Assignments by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA for common good". We also concluded that it was necessary to create a foundation-like entity that would have the mission of managing those assignments. We are in the process of starting them and creating the managing entity, which will be called Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA. It is not being easy at all because our budget amounts to ZERO, but it is something that has to happen since "the Assignments" respond to huge needs of the planet (see "The Will of The Universe" #WillOfUniverse) (read about the latest happening).


Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA as well as any projects led by this entity should have as their primary focus, both the needs of the planet and those of "The Universe", in accordance with their initiators' vision. For that purpose, the following parameters have been established:

Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA must work for common good. That's why, upon the creation of the institution, its aim must be as follows: "support the mission of 'The Universe' by developing projects for common good."

3 fundamental pillars were considered as the most crucial needs of the planet at this point in time. They are: 1) coordinate our planet's support to the mission of 'The Universe'; 2) bring the equality among human beings to the planet; and 3) bring to the planet the due respect for the rights of our brothers and sisters, animals. These 3 pillars must guide the initial efforts of the institution towards fulfilling its aim. They must be fought for wholeheartedly by Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA. In order to carry out their tasks, all those belonging in one way or another to COUSMA or taking part in its projects should aim at developing and safeguarding the 3 initial pillars. They’re embedded in COUSMA’s vision, mission, and values and will be at the core of the book "The Will of The Universe" (#WillOfUniverse).


The sign 'Animal Rights'

COUSMA wants to be the voice of the people, especially all beings of the planet who only a few seem to care about –namely the poor and animals. With that premise in mind and inspired by our utmost respect for "The Laws of The Universe," we will help the world –step by step– turn into a place where common good will be the maximum guide. We will fight for equality (among individuals and nations) to become a reality and for compassion towards our brothers and sisters, animals, to be a practice observed by everybody (see COUSMA's Vegan Vision As of 2019).


A map of the world at the background and a scale at the front

We are a charitable organization that has undertaken the task of touching the hearts of as many human beings as possible so we strive together to find solutions (by way of concrete projects) to those injustice problems that need to be addressed urgently, as stated by our vision.


  • A traffic controller stopping the traffic for the children to cross

    To describe and recognize "The Universe" with Its sole mission of watching for common good.

  • To support "The Universe" in Its sole mission of watching for common good.

  • To fight for common good.

  • To fight for the implementation and practice of "The Laws of The Universe."

  • To put compassion in the center of our hearts by fighting for the rights of the left behind (our brothers and sisters, animals, included).

  • To struggle with all our heart, strength, energy, and resources, non-stop in order to implement mechanisms to fight for the left behind (our brothers and sisters, animals, included) to be granted their sacred rights in absolutely all countries and for those rights to be fully implemented and respected all over.

  • To fight in order to bring equality, social justice, and peace into the planet.

  • To fight in order to help the planet achieve the stage of having a global government.

  • To propose to the global government, global solutions to the biggest problems of humanity and fight for their implementation.

  • To foster understanding and love among human beings.



A sign on a pole showing the 4 cardinal points with an arrow on top that shows the direction of the wind

This is the one value that the world needs everyone to have most urgently; without it, one is nothing but a monster of hell with human shape whom society should be protected against.

Social Justice

A map of the world at the background and, at the front, a network with circles of equal size

Without this core value prevailing at all levels in the world, it makes little sense to talk about peace or love among human beings.


4 people standing around a table, putting together a puzzle of 4 pieces

Justice is absolutely nonexistent when the majority of the planet’s resources are being used for the benefit of a few greedy ones. The world’s resources were put here for all of us and not for some only. This is a premise that will be at the core of Saint Michael Archangel Universal Corporation: COUSMA's ideals and values and we can infer without any doubt that "The Universe" agrees with it. The world needs to function in a way in which all its inhabitants partake in the planet’s riches according to their needs and not according to who are the greediest ones (see ).


A black silhouette in a praying position, surrounded by verbs of different sizes

This is one value the human being needs. We are led in many ways to believe that we are the kings of the entire cosmos. That is part of the cause of so much discrimination, especially against our martyred brothers and sisters, animals. Man needs to have humbleness and truly see all beings as his equal.


Some lambs inside a cage

We consider that liberty has to be equal for all. Everybody wants liberty for themselves, while not caring that animal slavery is accepted as normal for the majority. Liberty for animals is an objective that our organization has to fight for relentlessly until it happens; no matter how long it takes.


A woman being gentle to a pig

On this planet, at this point in time, this value needs to be defined urgently as: living in peace with our martyred brothers and sisters, animals. As in “Don't talk of peace and love when you have a dead animal on your plate.”


2 parrots staying very close to each other lovingly

One day all human beings will have a sense of global brotherhood. This will start to happen when there gets to be an organization devoted to bringing compassion, equality, liberty, and social justice into the entire planet.

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